Castration Counter

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Horror of Castration

I am a eunuch!  I am castrated!  I have no balls!  I voluntarily climbed up onto an operating table, spread my legs, the doctor came in and cut my balls off.  And I am ecstatic about it.  Being a eunuch though, I have come to the conclusion there is one absolutely horrible thing about being castrated.  No matter what, your testicles will NEVER grow back and you will only get to experience once in your life the thrill of waking up from anesthesia knowing someone just cut your balls off.  I guess the euphoria will eventually wear off but even after seven and a half months, it's still just such an amazing feeling when I think about the fact I have been castrated, that I have no balls. 


  1. I have been castrated now over 8 years and I still enjoy the thought of thinking about when I was castrated I try to masturbate as I remember how it felt when the nurse prepped my scrotum and then injected the Novocane. as my nut sac was opened I watched as She squeased my sac to remove the nut to be cut 1st, she did my left nut 1st. clamed and seutured the cord just above the nut I felt the pressure as she cut the cord and I started to ejaculate as she pulled my nut and cut the cord. She said now this will be the last time you have a orgasm as a man and she finished castrating me. My nuts are now in a jar of furmyldyhide. but I do still enjoy thinking of how she castrated me as I try to masturbate in front of our nudist guest. jerrie

  2. If I have any regret about getting my nuts cut out it's that I didn't do it years sooner. It was a woman doctor who did my procedure under a local anesthetic, and I was never happier than when she held each one up in the air with the forceps for me to see that it was out before dropping it into the formaldehyde. Just as soon as I could a few weeks later, I was straight to the tattoo parlor. I proudly now carry my stamp just under my naval. CASTRATED June 23, 2017 I'm so happy that I did it under a local, and not the general anesthetic. Although my wife was wearing a mask, I could see the joy in her as she watched me transform from half a man, into a total eunuch.
